PlanStartGrow relies on SharpSpring’s Marketing Analytics features throughout our client engagements, and we encourage our clients to directly access this information so they can obtain real-time updates whenever they desire. We feel this benefits clients in many ways, but the most important is ensuring that everyone has direct access to original metrics with complete transparency. Of course, PlanStartGrow complements direct access to metrics with convenient summary reports tailored the match the preferences of each client.
If you are wondering whether PlanStartGrow uses other analytics tools, the answer is yes – but not in the ways you might expect. We add Google Analytics to our clients websites to understand how Google sees the website, for example, but we don’t spend much time viewing Google Anaytics data. SharpSpring does an excellent job of delivering convenient access to the most vital website metrics with accuracy and precision, so we might look at Google Analytics metrics when we need a Google-centric view or more details than SharpSpring provides regarding a particular metric.
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